Sanitation Safety Plan


Safe water supply, safe sanitation services and food security are central for ensuring public health and human wellbeing. These three components are in fact greatly interrelated, but unfortunately often neglected by authorities. Sanitation Safety Planning (SSP) is a risk-based management tool developed by WHO to reduce the health risks in each step of the sanitation chain. The SSP brings together relevant actors to identify potential health risks and agree on improvements, proper operation, maintenance and monitoring measures. cewas, as a WHO certified SSP trainer, provides tailor-made SSP trainings and workshops to different stakeholders. For example, cewas co-facilitated the 1st SSP Training in Kolkata- India (August 2016), the SSP Training for Contained Based Sanitation Enterprises for the Toilet Board Coalition in Richmond – UK (September 2017) and the SSP series of workshops for the Resource Recovery and Reuse Public Private Working Group in Peru in Lima (September 2017).

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